What do we do?

What do we do?

Why the name Seed Leaf? Well, because that's what we grow! We grow plants to the point that they have developed their seed leaves, picking them before or just as their 'true leaves' develop. At this early stage the plants are young, fresh and full of goodness!

At Seed Leaf HQ we sow, grow, harvest and package all our own microgreens. In other words, the entire growing process happens in our Microgreens grow room.

We source the highest quality, organic seeds from a range of suppliers, testing each new seed batch when it arrives to us to ensure the highest possible standard of product for our customers; if we're not happy with it, we don't sow it.

We sow our seed into 'flats', grow trays specifically designed for UK microgreen growers. We grow in two different grow media; the highest quality, RHS backed, peat-free compost or sustainable coco coir. This is a waste product from the coconut industry and provides a good medium for retaining water.

We don't use any pesticides or herbicides or any other nasties in our process.

Having been sown the flats are placed onto a germination rack for a number of days, depending on the variety, and once germinated are transferred to our vertical grow system, where they receive the optimum levels of light and water to ensure a high quality, tasty product at the end of their grow cycle.

The microgreens are harvested when they are at their peak for flavour, nutrients and appearance; we judge each tray on it's merits and only harvest them when ready!

Home deliveries take place on a Saturday morning, ensuring you have the freshest greens for your weekend.

Our small punnets are plant-based from our friends at Vegware and are commercially compostable whilst our large punnets are made from recycled PET and are fully recyclable. We can also collect them with your next delivery and can wash, sterilise and reuse them.

For long standing subscribers we also have a special subscriber stainless steel option . Please get in touch.

If you'd like to know more about the growing process please get in touch using the contact us form below.