Pea Tendril Microgreens

Pea Tendril Microgreens

Pea tendril microgreens are one of our favourite ‘beanie’ sprouts. They taste much like fresh peas, juicy and sweet. We like to snack on them raw. 

They are a lovely vibrant green and add a great colour and crunch to dishes. We use them as an alternative to Chickpeas or Mung in cooked dishes like tomato sauce and courgetti. We sometimes substitute them for noodles in a stir fry too.

Flavour: Sweet, fresh pea flavour

Texture: Crunchy, juicy and succulent

Nutrients: Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, protein, fibre, omega 3, antioxidants and micronutrients.

£3.25 large punnet

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