Weekly Microgreens Subscription

Weekly Microgreens Subscription

Are you looking for a weekly supply of delicious and organic microgreens?

Seed Leaf Micro Farm offers a bespoke weekly subscription service for you! Get your weekly subscription right here today!

Why bother?
Well, we are able to offer reduced prices for subscribers, and can also offer early access to any new crops we grow! We've also had feedback from customers who say 'I meant to order last week, but forget, it would have been great to have had some greens for this past week...Once set up, you won't need to do anything except eat your greens each week! (which we know, is no hardship!)

Does this mean I am tied in forever?

Absolutely not! You can cancel or change your subscription at any time. 

What about if I go on holiday?

Just let us know, we can skip a delivery or 2 and we will only ever charge you for the greens we have delivered.

Is there a benefit to being on a subscription?

Absolutely! Have a read of the below...

For our regular subscription customers we are able to offer certain benefits. 

All of our £3.25 punnets cost £3 on our subscription basis. Our £4 punnets cost £3.50, offering the best possible value to you.

Why? Isn't that unfair? Well, our week by week orders have quite high payment processing fees on them, whereas our monthly subscriptions don't have the same level of charge...simple as that really! It also means we can plan our crops a bit more fully which cuts down on any 'over grow' (although the 'mini farmers' at Seed Leaf HQ will always make sure I sow enough for them too!)

We are also able to offer more hardwearing, sustainable packaging, please get in touch for details!

Exclusive Products for Subscribers!

Most excitingly perhaps, we are also able to offer subscribers a special 'mixed microgreens sampler punnet' for the bargain price of £2/punnet...this will vary week to week and will always contain some of out regular varieties in our current mixes, but will also feature any new crops or trial grows that we try out! 

Currently we have red veined sorrel, red basil and swiss chard in the grow trial area, so it really is going to give you something different every so often!

Build your own subscription order from the below and get in touch to book a regular delivery.


Pea Shoots

Sunflower Shoots


Sunny Mix (small)

Spicy Mix (small)


Sunny Mix (large)

Spicy Mix (Large)

£2 - Subscriber special!
Microgreens Sampler Box

Let's Connect

Send us a message and we'll be happy to get back in touch with you, if you need more information about our delicious microgreens, you can ask here too!